Original Show
Language Korean
Popularity Trending Down
In Karma, disparate lives intertwine under the ominous shadow of an unbreakable fate. The story revolves around a witness to an accident, a physician traumatized by nightmares, a man whose world was upended by an unexpected event, and another man drowning in private loans. Each one is bound by the inescapable ties of a terrible destiny, weaving a gripping crime thriller following those trapped by ill-fated entanglements.
In Karma, disparate lives intertwine under the ominous shadow of an unbreakable fate. The story revolves around a witness to an accident, a physician traumatized by nightmares, a man whose world was upended by an unexpected event, and another man drowning in private loans. Each one is bound by the inescapable ties of a terrible destiny, weaving a gripping crime thriller following those trapped by ill-fated entanglements.
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